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Round up from Clockhouse London Writers, I even contributed a couple of poetic body parts to the Acrostic collaboration.

Clockhouse London Writers

News: Our collaboration “I Sing The Body Acrostic” has been published in Sein und Werden – Corpus. Thank you for your fabulous contributions. The issue also includes a story by David Turnbull and a poem from Allen Ashley. Link is:

You know you’ve made it when they start interviewing you… read an interview with our very own Gary Budgen here:

This interview is part of the launch for We We’re Heroes, a superhero anthology featuring Gary’s story ‘The Exile’.


Gary also has a story, ‘A Figment off Autocue Boulevard’ in the exciting new anthology of modern surrealism from Salo Press, Galaxy of Starfish. It can be found here:


Lastly, Stephen Oram is giving a reading as part of Novel London. Info and tickets here:

Sarah Doyle’s poem “Sea is for Circe” has been Highly Commended in the York Mix poetry competition. It…

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